Julia's story begins with her first day at UBS, marked by an unfortunate coffee spill on her boss's shirt...
The purpose of this social media video was to make an apprenticeship at UBS more attractive to young people. To do so, we wanted to show the target group that UBS, as one of the world’s leading banking institutions, offers the best possible conditions for learning and developing useful skills their industry asks for. By portraying the story of a girl completing such an apprenticeship, we provide an insight into the warm and positive atmosphere that forms a solid foundation for a successful career.
With this social media video we were able to successfully realise the second production for UBS. The spot finds application on the social media channels and the website of UBS. Moreover, UBS displays the video on screens in the numerous branches of the banking institution as well. Therefore, we produced this video in horizontal, vertical and square format.
To portray the benefits at UBS we show in this social media video the development of our main character, Julia. We accompany her through defining moments of her apprenticeship. The story starts with an unpleasant incident on the very first day. Julia spills coffee on her new boss’ shirt at the welcome day. However, due to the relaxed reaction, this was nothing to worry about. As the spot continues, the audience witnesses how Julia evolves from a shy, insecure girl into a confident and competent young lady.
The video ends with a new intern’s first day who experiences the same bad luck as Julia a while ago. This time, however, Julia is the one who gets hit by the coffee. Through recurring, humorous components and by conveying a feeling of well-being, the viewer is addressed at an emotional level. This leads to a more memorable transmission of the message, while at the same time offering the audience some entertainment in this social media video.
Client: UBS
Agency: Universum Global
Services: Creative Development, Pre-Production, Production, Post-Production
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Starting from CHF 1'900.-
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Starting from CHF 10'600.-
Engage and entertain the audience on social media platforms.
A video can enhance your brand's online presence. You can promote products, services and values.
Starting from CHF 1'900.-